A true career also happens inside
Oct 12, 2020I’m not sure how you feel, but in the moment I believe that the world is turning faster and faster, and I cannot catch up. No matter how fast I run, I always run behind or barely manage to stay put (like Alice in Wonderland).
I thought that I had quit my hamster wheel a couple of years ago.
But there are many hamster wheels on different levels, some more obvious than the other. There is the job level and the family level, the health level or the society level. Just two years back, we were all stuck in a pandemic hamster wheel. Being stuck makes us feel fed up, confused and finding it difficult to plan for the future. The world around us is changing at an ever increasing speed. Previous convictions do not hold true any more. Jobs are no longer secure, and there are a number of people I know who are stuck in toxic work environments. The list could go on.
What remains?
So how can we cope with everything going on around us? It’s important to rely on what we have inside of us. Our trust in ourselves, our confidence, our ability to experience a sense of happiness even in difficult times - for example when engaging in a fulfilling activity, no matter whether at work or at home, by observing beautiful things or when going out for a walk in nature.
If you are able to tap into your inner wealth, you have started in the right direction: the building of your inner career. The inner career is that part of your career that lets you experience contentment and satisfaction, that lets you thrive from within. It allows you to measure your wellbeing not only by the figure on your bank account, but also by the quality of your relationships. A career that aims to grow as a human being, allowing you to learn and experience not only on a materialistic, but also on a spiritual level. A career that comprises everything dear to you because it is an expression of YOUR, not others’, values.
This is also the part of a career which is most neglected, and it is not taught at school or university. In contrast, an outward oriented career is more visible and attracts more praise and attention. It is focused on the growth maxim: there is always something that can be done quicker, better, higher. Work more, earn more, purchase more, attain more status symbols. That‘s how we get rewarded and how we experience recognition from our environment. And that‘s how we learn to run and hustle, in our little hamster wheels, where unreflected economic growth still is considered as the one and foremost purpose in life and society for many.
Don‘t get me wrong. An intentional pursuit of an outward oriented career is important. We all value a stable income, we need recognition and want to feel proud as we gain professional expertise. The outer career begets power, status and impact. All of this - if used towards the right goals and networks - can result in a lot of good and foster society and economic growth. As we are trained to aim for a successful career from early childhood onwards, we know how to advance on a traditional career ladder. At least in theory.
But it gets tricky when the relation between outer and inner career gets out of balance. When more money and income are offset by less time and caring for friendships and partners. When overtime, deadlines, constant pressure and non-stop availability cause havoc on your health. When the added value gained is lost by your lack of energy and compassion. When you ask yourself „Can this be all there is in life?“
A career that serves your wellbeing
A true career is a symbiosis between outside and inside. It does not hollow you out, because it respects and includes your innermost wishes. It does not let you burn out because your inner fire sparkles - your emotions, your dreams, your health. It lets your silent inner voices speak up, and it does not put down precious moments of leisure and contemplation. On the contrary.
The criterias of an inner career are as versatile as mankind. I measure my inner career on my development and growth as an individual as well as a part of a larger community. I also measure it by the possibility to be creative and to be active - both in form of exercise and in form of mental flexibility. This is important to me, and a true career allows me to work and live in alignment with my values and physical needs.
Only then I can feel happy about small things even when surrounded by chaos and insecurity. I can feel balanced even if I have to cope with everyday worries and struggles. In fact, I perceive my inner wealth as a gift which I can freely share with others: in form of my strength, my creativity, my support.
When did you last invest in your inner development? Be honest with yourself. Where do you stand in your career?
Photo von Candice Picard auf Unsplash
This blog post was published first on 12th October 2020. It has been edited for clarity.
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