Is your life still on the right track? 

Take the test and find out where you stand.


How are you right now?

  • Are you on the road to success or do you feel like you're in the wrong life at the moment?
  • Do you radiate confidence or do you feel drained, exhausted and empty inside?
  • Do you feel in control of your life, or do you sometimes wonder how much longer you can cope with this kind of stress?

Use this test to find out where you currently stand and what you can possibly change for the better. 

The test will help you

  • to take stock of where you stand
  • to think about what is really important in your life
  • to become clear about your priorities

At the end, I'll give you some suggestions on how you could proceed.

Hello, I am Anke.

I know a lot about upheavals in life. I was stuck in an unsatisfying job for years and it took me a long time to change course professionally.

As a life and job coach today, I understand how liberating and empowering change can be, provided it is well-thought out and planned. I support individuals in discovering a fresh path in their lives and professions, from minor course modifications to complete personal transformations.

It always start with an inventory of your present situation. This test will help you!

Here's how to do the test

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You will receive the evaluation directly after the test.

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